“How to improve English”
If you are concerned about your English so I am sharing you some tips and tricks by which you can improve your English. So in this blog you will get answer of your question “How to improve English”
So Let’s Begin –
If you want to improve your English then there are something which you must do:-
1. Most of the people will say to to read some English Newspaper on the daily basis but this technique will not work for everybody. So in this my idea will be to take some essay books and read on the daily basis and what you have studied speak it out after reading.
So if you are willing to purchase an essay book so I would recommend these books which you can purchase.
Click to purchase Book 1
Modern Essay by Arihant Publication
Price Rs. 91 (It may vary)
Click to purchase Book 2
Writing Essays For Dummies
by John Wiley & Sons
Price Rs. 1040 (It may vary). As this book will help you in competitive exams as well.
2. You need to have good word power if you want to speak English or write English. So for this thing you have some good options to improve your word power.
(a) The first thing which you can do is you can add Google Dictionary in your Chrome browser. Here is the video below in which you can see the method.
(b) The second thing which you can do is you can purchase a good book and increase your word power on daily basis. So for this purpose also I am sharing you an excellent and all time best selling book to increase your word power.
Click here to purchase
Word Power Made Easy Book Link
Best book to increase your wordpower
Price Rs. 91 (It may vary)
3. If you are grammatically weak then you must focus on your grammar. There are some some mistakes which people make in English like speaking in Passive Voice or speaking in Indirect Sentences or use of May, Might, Can, Could, Ought to and many more phrases. So while speaking you must avoid these mistakes.
These mistakes can be avoided by reading English grammar and understanding it. So for this I am sharing you the best selling book of all the time which you can purchase from the link below.
Click here to Purchase Book
Wren and Martin Book Link (S Chand Publication)
It is the best rewarded and best selling book for english grammer
Price Rs. 284 (It may vary)
4. Here are some more things which you can do like you can watch english movies in english language. But you have to just slower down the subtitle part by 1 sec. by which you will improve english more effectively.
5. And at last must be consistent. Because in every language or in any course consistency is the key. Without consistency nothing can be done.
So hope you enjoy this article.
Thank you for reading it.
Is ‘being good in English’ important for becoming a CA?
Is there any ‘English’ subject in the whole ‘CA course’?
English is important to enter in corporate world. It is a professional course so it matters. By the way you can do CA in Hindi and English both languages but opportunity is much more to enter through english.
Ok Sir!