First, let me remind you that the purpose of acquiring a professional qualification is not just to pass and get you a good job. They are meant to make you a good person with extra knowledge and skills with personality, which help you to face problem in society.
- Believe that you can Pass.
Always have faith in yourself, never think that you cannot pass, always remember you can, you will have to do, to make yourself feel proud of yourself. you have removed the limit capability from yourself stop saying that you can do only a limited thing in your life, many things are their which can do even more greatly than anyone else, don’t judge yourself.
- Invest to Pass Professional Exam
You truly want to achieve an professional certificate then you need to be serious about it , its not that you won’t do another thing other than studies but your upmost priority would be your studies, for your brighter future.
- Practice Application of your Notes
Always makes an important notes and practice in regular basis, prefer your study mat because its important for exam purpose. Learn it thoroughly
- Understand the Exam Structures
Course syllabuses are like road maps which give student direction toward the examination.
The best thing to do is to review the past exam questions of the five or ten sittings. Understand the exam patter properly and clearly, without any doubt.
- Take Personal Summary Notes
Many students use summary study notes during reading and the revision period. For instance, during last-minute revision, it is not always feasible to read the whole textbook.
- Remember the Key Ideas and Formulas
Many professional exam papers require the use of formulas or standard procedures in responding to exam questions. The examiner sometimes gives complex formulas, and you are only expected to apply them to the case study. This is very common in calculation courses.
Practice Past Exam Questions
Have you ever heard of a successful athlete, movie star, speaker, or musician who showed up for a performance without practicing ahead of time? All these professionals know that to succeed in their career, they have to allocate some time to learn, practice and perform.
They say “practice makes perfect.
8. Group Studies – Two heads are better
Group studies will not only help you to learn the subject you do not understand but you can also network with other students. Your network can refer you to job opportunities.
9. Allocate your Exam Time
You have several months to prepare for the exam but only a few hours to pass. So, you need to manage your time during and after exam effectively.